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About Tania

Transform Yourself - Transform Your Life


Tania, the Barefoot Soul

I'm an island girl who's been walking barefoot and playing in the mud since I took my first steps. That's given me a deep connection with myself and mother earth. It's made me understand that we are one energy, expressed through our individual diversity.


This one knows that we can create a better world when we are personally aware of how precious our life is. Life in other people, in other species, and this earth that sustains us.


When we are personally aware, it allows us to value ourselves, and our relationships with other people. It allows us to help create a better place to live in this society and in the world.


I help you reconnect with your natural energy that is innately within you to free your spark and live a happy and fulfilled life.


As a nature based therapist , I will teach you how to reconnect with the natural elements within you and in nature to transform yourself and transform your life. To be and feel alive, enjoy your relationships, and enjoy your life.

During my life, I lost my own connection to my natural energy.


I remember being a joyful child who when getting home from school would take my shoes off and go barefoot to play outside. Walking barefoot, feeling the ground under my feet, playing with Liona, a childhood friend or making mud pies, and climbing trees. I was full of energy and struggled focusing on school assignments. This led to being labeled as restless, a nuisance, and full of mischief. In my teenage years I was given negative body shaming labels, as according to other teenagers, and young adults, I didn’t seem to fit the looks which at the time were perceived as attractive.


I bought into these labels and as an adult struggled with a misconception of how “good or lovable” I was as a person. This impacted how I saw my self-worth, my potential, intelligence, and beauty. All these social experiences created fears which fed anxiety, and self-defeating
behaviors which added to my then mental cage.


Along the way, I finished college and got a master’s degree. I battled serious health issues. I felt anxious and scared. and didn’t have the energy to finish things. It felt like I wasn’t living the life I wanted to live.



When we reconnect with our natural energy, our true energy emerges -TM


In 1998, my journey came to a peak where I really reconnected with the natural energy within me and in nature that I speak about. When I became aware of that, my journey really changed. I became more mindful of my own health, how valuable my body is, and how precious my life is.

Going through that process made me realize how I could be of greater help to other people. Now I start the day standing barefoot on this earth to stay in tune with myself and the world around me. To enjoy my husband’s company and support along with our children and extended family and friends.


For the past 17 years, I’ve put my learnings to work as a Licensed Clinical Therapist and Certified Mental Health Integrative Medicine Provider. My nature-based therapy has helped thousands of clients reconnect with their natural energy to live a happy and fulfilling life.


My mission is to help people become personally aware of how precious we all are. Because to reclaim our lives, we need to understand who we truly are and how valuable we are.

I provide a safe and comfortable space, where clients can openly share their thoughts, feelings, and life circumstances. To own their natural talents their inner strengths and create the life that they chose to live.


Communication is the heart of my work. Helping clients understand the roots of their issues. Teaching them to empower themselves through kind yet assertive communication.


Creative. Caring. Life-changing. Words my clients use to describe me. I know through my personal and professional experience that when we reconnect with our natural energy, our true energy emerges and enables us to renew ourselves, feel happy and motivated, and enjoy our relationships and our lives.

And when we remember how precious our life is, we are able to value and treat one another with equality, dignity, and kindess.

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